Regulation > Research and Development

Daimon counts with a team of highly qualified researchers for the development of R&D projects on themes related to the regulation of the electrical industry. Some projects developed by our team:

Theme: Tariffs

Title: Methodology for Setting Tariff Structure for Service of the Electric Power distribution
Company: ELEKTRO and Other Companies (total 30 companies) - Abradee Institute
Cicle: 2009-2011

Title: Design and Application of New Tariff Structure for Groups A and B of ELEKTRO.
Company: : ELEKTRO and Other Companies (total 30 companies) - Abradee Institute
Cicle: 2011-2013

Title: Evaluation of price elasticity of demand for electrical energy in the short and long term horizons.
Company: CELESC
Cicle 2011-2013

Theme: Market

Title: Methodology and system for determining analytical and geographical evolution of the consumer market considering uncertainty.
Company: ESCELSA
Cicle: 2007-2008

Title: Geographical analysis of the behavior of the load within the electrical distribution network planning.
Company: COELBA
Cicle: 2008-2009

Title: Conceptual model development and computational software for load forecasting disaggregated by buses of the high voltage system.
Company: CEMAT
Cicle: 2009-2011

Theme: Technical Losses

Title: Hybrid model for identifying technical and non-technical losses in distribution systems from simulations and remote-controlled measurements.
Company: AES Eletropaulo
Cicle: 2004-2005

Title: Evaluation of technical system losses considering new techniques for representing networks, and temporal aspects seasonality.
Company: AES Sul
Cicle: 2006-2007

Title: Computational system for integrated calculation of technical losses in network distribution of high, medium and low voltage.
Company: RGE – Grupo CPFL
Cicle: 2008-2009

Title: Determination of demand and energy losses in distribution systems.
Company: CELESC
Cicle: 2008-2009

Title: Development of Conceptual Model and Software for Determining Attributes of Efficient Representative Distribution Systems Aiming at Calculation of Technical Losses.
Company: AES Eletropaulo
Cicle: 2009-2010

Title: Methodology for calculation and projection of losses in the distribution of high, medium and low voltage systems, considering uncertainties in load.
Cicle: 2009-2011

Title: Conception and Development System for Establishing Appropriate Level of Losses in Small Concessionaires to Meet Market with Low Load Density in Rural Areas.
Company: SULGIPE
Cicle: 2011-2012

Title: Development of Computational Tools for Optimizing Technical Losses in the Distribution considering International Benchmark and Technical-Economic Analysis.
Company: CEMIG
Cicle: 2010-2012

Title: Conceptualization and Development of Computer System for Calculation and Predicting Technical Losses, Non-Technical and Global for Regional, Power Transformers and Primary Feeders.
Company: CEMIG
Cicle: 2012-2014


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